Wednesday, November 4, 2009

PRIME: AIGA Indy Design Awards - Featuring One of My Designs

The website has won an AIGA Prime design award. Congrats to our partner on this project Miles Design and to the rest of our talented team that worked on it here at The Basement!

I'm going to head down and check out the gallery this Friday. I'm looking forward to checking out the other Indianapolis talent on display. Thanks to the AIGA for the nod! This will be my personal first interface design that has won any kind of award.

If you're interested in popping in, let me know. I'll probably head down there around 7:00.

Friday, November 6, 2009 Dean Johnson Gallery
646 Massachusetts Avenue
Indianapolis, Indiana

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Vince Gorman said...

Congratulations Amy! That's quite an honor.

Amy Kingman said...

Thanks Vince! :)

Amanda said...

Good work Amy! I'm sure this is the first of many, many awards.

Jen said...

Very exciting Amy! Nice work.

Amy Kingman said...

Thanks guys!