Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Photo Week: Auto-Settings

This week Photo Week is inspired by our camera's Auto-Settings

Share your work with Steph as she hosts this week's challenge.

Monday - Landscape
It's a secret little landscape.

Tuesday - Macro

Alex was driving me around Lebanon to shoot some photos of our small TtV style and when I got back in the car this little guy was sitting on my door. He flew off onto a fence where I shot the rest of the photos.

Wednesday - Portrait

My sweet niece Sylvia Q.

Thursday - Action

My other sweet niece Margot being pushed on the swing by Uncle Alex.

Friday - Nighttime


Sara said...

Amazing shots, Amy! It's all up in my grill and whatnot. I like it!

ShellyBean said...

i love that little guy! *maaantiiiss!* (i hope you heard that how i was saying it) ;)

Amy Kingman said...

Sara: That mantis was SUCH a patient subject. Much more forgiving than most human subjects. :) I was right down in his face for a good 10 min, following him around as he slowly crawled the fence. Then, all of the sudden his head snapped and met my lens head on and he started to give me the crazy eye. I finally took the hint.

Shelly: I can definitely hear it! hahaha