Thursday, June 28, 2007

Pitching Roster

The last couple days at work I've been working on a layout to help pitch the idea for Roster. Its about hooking up celebrities with fans via xbox live gaming. The website allows fans to watch the the games online in addition to a bunch of other video content that helps bring celebrities closer to the fans. Perhaps fans could write in an ask a question and the celebrity would answer over a video interview, you could watch him give a tour of his home, or sing some karaoke. The idea has room to grow and change, but here's a first run of my layout to help the investors envision it's potential and appeal to the younger generation.


Clinton said...

nice artwork! looks like a great concept to me :) hope to see it live soon.

Amy Kingman said...

Thanks! :) I wasn't sure whatever happened with the design, Brian Phillips, a co-worker recently left my company to start his own thing and he owned the concept. I was just informed by a friend that apparently something must be happening with it, since the design seems to be developing over at his new company... The Basement Blog: